In August 2017, the Swan Quarter VFD organized a Mainland-wide food drive to help restock the Bread of Life Food Pantry (run by the Ocracoke Assembly of God church) on Ocracoke. A recent loss of electrical power on the island and a mandatory evacuation of all non-residents resulted in most Ocracoke businesses closing their doors and left many residents without a job (or a paycheck) for a week. Combined with the loss of food in refrigerators and freezers, the impact quickly depleted the Pantry's food stock as 270 families were served in a 2-day period. Added to the concern was the fact that hurricane season was on the horizon. On September 6, 2017, Fire Chief Jeffrey Stotesberry arrived on the island with a trailer load of canned goods and other nonperishable items that the Hyde community (and neighboring counties) donated. Thanks to everyone for their support!

Once the community learned of the need, tables in the SQVFD soon filled up with donations

JoAnn & Tony Spencer (True Value & Hardware Store in Engelhard) hosted a collection point.

Ms. Hortense Burrus collected items in the Scranton/Sladesville area.

Members of the Free Will Baptist Church in nearby Beaufort County also brought items.

Donated items were loaded into a trailer for delivery to Ocracoke.

Chief Stotesberry closes up the door on the loaded trailer - read to head to Ocracoke.

Members of the Ocracoke Assembly of God Church were on hand to help unload.

Chief Stotesberry presents a check to Pastor Ivey Belch for the cash donations that were made.